NALA is such a great school! It is a great place where you get to learn things that you won’t learn anywhere else. You especially learn how to be a friend that lends a helping hand. On August 18th, I was pumped because we were going on a mission trip to Jena, AL! I was excited because I had never been on a mission trip to help people before. It was great! We sang songs, built a deck for a senior citizen, and did a skit for the kids. We taught them many verses and songs. Our skit was on the body, and how it works together. While the girls were singing and cheering up the family, the boys were hard at work with Dr. Paul. Building a deck is hard, but they kept working. After we did a program for the family, we went to other people in the community to sing and pray for them. The people encouraged me to do well, and I know they were blessed by us too. It was a lot of fun, and I was sad when we had to say our goodbyes. I can’t wait to go on the next NALA Mission Trip.

I thank God for everyone in NAPS and the people in Jena.
5th Grade